I originally went to law school with one singular focus: to become a corporate lawyer and work for a big company. Finally, after years of working at law firms, I landed a corporate in-house job, doing what I thought would be fulfilling. The work was exciting and challenging at first, until it wasn’t, and I stopped feeling a connection. What was the purpose of what I was doing? Why does it feel so hollow? What aspects did I enjoy about my job? I realized that I loved working individually with others, helping them reach their goals, and empowering them to accomplish whatever they wanted. I realized I wanted to use my law degree to help individuals achieve their own ambitions. Quietly, I began to brainstorm ideas to spend more of my work day doing just that, but not before accepting one more corporate legal position.

Before the new job started, I decided to take what I thought would be a quick trip to Mexico. Why not? It’s just a short plane ride from the United States. I had been spending the summers of the pandemic on the Jersey Shore learning how to surf, and I was ready to take my skills to a new place. I heard that the Punta Mita area of Mexico was perfect for beginner surfers, with smooth, long waves. When I got there, I was overwhelmed by a deep feeling of connection to the place, the people, and the culture. Two months later, I had resigned from my new job and found myself right back in Mexico, putting together my dream business.

Now, I spend my time helping entrepreneurs do what they love by handling their legal work. My favorite part about what I do is that I get to empower business owners to value themselves and their services enough to prioritize protecting themselves. When an entrepreneur has this mindset and takes the right legal steps, they’re putting out the energy that they and their work are worthy of being secure and investment.

I created my law firm because I had a dream for myself and who I wanted to help. I know what it’s like to have an idea in the back of your brain, that you tuck away so you can focus on your day job. I know what it’s like to want something different for yourself. That’s why I work so hard to handle the scary parts (contracts, negotiating and legal documents) of starting a new business and deliver legal services to people who are just like me.